I'm 18 years old and still trying to define myself. I'm LDS and yes, it's the best thing in my life! I was born in California of '92. Surprised? Seems like everyone I talk to was born in Cali too. It's the cliche birth place ;) Anyway, I'm the oldest of 3 siblings. I would say "and the smartest of the 3" but that's pretty evident since there is a 9 and 13 year difference. Currently, we live in Southern Oregon and have been for about 10 years. Although I grew up here, I still don't feel like its actually hit me that I'm an Oregonian.
I don't have any amazing talents. No, I don't speak 8 different languages and I can't make my body turn into a pretzel, BUT I am a creative little monster. I spend a lot of my time working with PhotoShop, drawing/painting, taking photography, etc... I've been yearbook editor since my sophomore year which is pretty freakin' awesome. Usually you can't become an editor until your junior or senior year. I've proven I'm definitely worth working with. I'm a perfectionist, have a great eye for detail, and I thrive on stress. Yes, stress. It keeps me busy. I don't get bored. :)
I used to be pretty athletic. I played volleyball and basketball in middle school and did swimming over the summer a few times. I quit volleyball and basketball when high school started because all the girls were brats and wouldn't respect me because I wasn't some amazing player like most of the girls thought they were. They took the fun out of the sports for me. And swimming, well, I'm about 99.99% sure that I'm allergic to chlorine, which really sucks. In my dreams I totally want to be the next Michael Phelps! Now, instead of playing sports I watch them. Everyone should know I'm a
huge Phoenix Suns fan!! Almost everything I do in someway revolves around them; colors, theme, my name (NASHlee STEVEns = Steve Nash). Yeah, It's kinda weird how much I obsess over the Suns but it's a good obsession, I think. Basketball is the
After high school I plan on going to Arizona State University. Since I'll be living in Utah for my senior year, I might have to settle for a Utah college instead because of the cost. I would love to study history in college but it seems like it'd be a bit complicated. I'd have to get my PHD and teach classes... not my thing. I figure becoming a graphic desigher should do. I can work from home and do what I love.
Random Facts:
- I have horrible vision. I have both glasses and contacts
- I love sleeping with flat pillows
- I have one ear stuck to my head from ear surgery when I was 5
- I've been a huge Avril Lavigne fan since her first album
- I
LOVE Glee!
- I have a celebrity crush on Nicholas Cage. I'm a sucker for facial expressions and he has the best. I know, weird, but whatev
- I have a scar on the back of my head from falling off a swing when I was 12 or 13. Had to get 7 staples :/
- My favorite movie is Xanadu. It's a cheesy musical with the best music, ever!
- If i could, I would eat nothing but mangos and pomegranates all day everyday
- Scary movies are the
best. I just wish the scariest lookin' ones weren't R rated
- I think gauge ears are sick, but
not in the cool way.
- Cartoons growing up were so much cooler than the ones now
- I collect tiny spoons
- I love the smell of nail polish remover
- I hate soda unless its flat and slightly cold
- Chocolate is gross plain, but I'll still eat it
- Milk is the greatest thing,
- I
strongly dislike the Spurs and Lakers!!