Friday, July 2, 2010

Words of Advice

I was talking to my church Bishop about some topics I had questions to relating to the Mormon church, my church. My questions were related to doubt... in a way. I don't doubt my religion is true. In fact, I know I'm a part of the true church! I've prayed about it and felt a calm and peaceful feeling of assurance - I know not all will agree with me. There is a lot of controversy concerning the LDS church. But that doesn't matter. There is controversy with practically everything. Controversy can't prove something wrong, neither can proof always truly prove something to be wrong. The answer I got from my bishop is something I want to share with everyone.

"I must admit, I spend more time searching out ways and reasons to why the church is true and why I need it in my life than trying to prove it is not true and that those that have come before us have been leading us away from truth. I am sure there will always be those who plant seeds of doubt. Its just a matter of what seeds you choose to take care of and ultimately harvest. If you continually water seeds of doubt, they will grow. So will seeds of truth. The important questions is which will you grow? You will never be able to prove something right or wrong to something that is attached to faith and has occurred in the past. It's like trying to prove dinosaurs really roamed our planet at one time... Yes there is evidence, but is that evidence here from our planet or was it brought to our planet when "matter was organized by God" and became the foundation? Stay true to yourself, seek answers through prayer and not people. It's always good to question, just don't get caught in driving yourself crazy trying to get answers to what can ultimately be unanswerable questions."

Find your own message in that. Whether you're Mormon or not, believe in God or don't, his advice can pertain to anyone.


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